“Don’t you know,” cried the ship’s captain, “that this doctor here—he calls himself Chillingworth—has decided to try ship’s cooking along with you? Yeah, sure, you must have known. He tells me that he is a member of your
party and a close friend of the gentleman you spoke of—the one that is in danger from these sour old Puritans.”-Hawthorne
    Hester and pearl walk through the market on this Holiday, that welcomes the new Mayor. Pearl questions to why Dimmesdale won't hold their hands during the day and only during the night. Her mother beats around the bush with the question by saying they'll all hold hands one day and she mustn't talk about it in the public. Pearl is in awe of the scenery and is excited to see all the happy faces. Everyone in the market is either wearing brown or gray, while Pearl is wearing pastel colors. Hawthorne wanted to make her unique. Then Hester spots Chillinworth talking to the same sailor that agreed to let her, Pearl and Dimmesdale board his ship. Shocked, Hester talks to the sailor and he tells her that Chillingworth will be joining them on their journey to Europe because the need a Doctor. Hester is shocked and becomes stressed towards her new situation. This adds a conflict towards the end of this novel. The mood shifts from being anxious to hopeless due to Chillingworth ruining their plans. There's no escaping him and readers begin to wonder if Hester's and Dimmesdale's sin will go public.

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