Hester returns back to reality after her flashbacks of her life with Chillingworth in England. She pays attention to Pearls behavior on the beach, throwing pebbles at the seagles and laying jellyfish out to dry. In a puritan's mind, it is considered a sin to adore yourself yet Pearl loves her beauty and stares at her reflection in the water. She makes jewlrey out of seaweed. She inherited her mother's sense of fashion and that wild-spirit like behavior. Hester still wonders if her daughter's sins exists because her daughter was created out of her own sinful actions. Pearl then made her own scarlet letter out of eelgrass. Shocked, Hester questions her if she even knows what the scarlet letter represents. Pearl responds to her mother:
     “Truly I do!” answered Pearl, looking brightly into her mother’s face. “It is for the same reason that the minister keeps his hand over his heart!”-Hawthorne
    This quote indicates that Pearl senses the connection between the Minister and her mother. I don't think she fully grasps what had happened in her mother's past yet, she gets the basics. In a way she's pushing her mother to confess the full truth to her by wearing the green "A", yet Hester beats around the bush with this once.

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